Hand crank table lift mechanismincludes 2.5 ton screw mechanisms two lifting points, 5 ton screw mechanisms two lifting points and 2.5 ton screw mechanisms four lifting points. It is not recommended small sizes 0.5 ton or 1 ton screw mechanisms two lifting points. Our hand crank table lift mechanism with self locking screw jack, don't require any lock mechanism, they will hold and stop any position without turning hand crank.
Blue Hand Crank Table Lift Mechanism with Two Lifting Points Pictures
No Paint Hand Crank Table Raising Mechanism with Two Lifting Points Pictures
Black Hand Crank Jack Table Lift Mechanism with Two Lifting Points Pictures
No Paint Hand Crank Table Lift Gear Mechanism with Four Lifting Points Pictures
Black Hand Crank Table Lift Adjustable Height Mechanism with Four Lifting Points Pictures
No Paint Screw Mechanism Pictures (USA Customer)
Black Screw Mechanism Pictures (Canada Customer)
If you have new machines or potential projects and would like to learn more information and price about high quality Hand Crank Table Lift Mechanism, contact us today with your requirements. Our teams are looking forward to working with you. Important Note: most of our standard products with stock components, in other words, in stock and fast delivery.